pub fn use_state<'hook, T, F>(
init_fn: F,
) -> impl 'hook + Hook<Output = UseStateHandle<T>>where
T: 'static + 'hook,
F: FnOnce() -> T + 'hook,
Expand description
This hook is used to manage state in a function component.
This hook will always trigger a re-render upon receiving a new state. See use_state_eq
if you want the component to only re-render when the new state compares unequal
to the existing one.
use yew::prelude::*;
fn state() -> Html {
let counter = use_state(|| 0);
let onclick = {
let counter = counter.clone();
Callback::from(move |_| counter.set(*counter + 1))
html! {
<button {onclick}>{ "Increment value" }</button>
<b>{ "Current value: " }</b>
{ *counter }
The value held in the handle will reflect the value of at the time the
handle is returned by the use_state()
call. It is possible that the handle does
not dereference to an up to date value, for example if you are moving it into a
hook. You can register the
state to the dependents so the hook can be updated when the value changes.
The setter function is guaranteed to be the same across the entire
component lifecycle. You can safely omit the UseStateHandle
from the
dependents of use_effect_with
if you only intend to set
values from within the hook.
When used in function components and hooks, this hook is equivalent to:
/// This hook is used to manage state in a function component.
/// This hook will always trigger a re-render upon receiving a new state. See [`use_state_eq`]
/// if you want the component to only re-render when the new state compares unequal
/// to the existing one.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use yew::prelude::*;
/// # use std::rc::Rc;
/// #[function_component(UseState)]
/// fn state() -> Html {
/// let counter = use_state(|| 0);
/// let onclick = {
/// let counter = counter.clone();
/// Callback::from(move |_| counter.set(*counter + 1))
/// };
/// html! {
/// <div>
/// <button {onclick}>{ "Increment value" }</button>
/// <p>
/// <b>{ "Current value: " }</b>
/// { *counter }
/// </p>
/// </div>
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// # Caution
/// The value held in the handle will reflect the value of at the time the
/// handle is returned by the `use_state()` call. It is possible that the handle does
/// not dereference to an up to date value, for example if you are moving it into a
/// `use_effect_with` hook. You can register the
/// state to the dependents so the hook can be updated when the value changes.
/// # Tip
/// The setter function is guaranteed to be the same across the entire
/// component lifecycle. You can safely omit the `UseStateHandle` from the
/// dependents of `use_effect_with` if you only intend to set
/// values from within the hook.
pub fn use_state<T, F>(init_fn: F) -> UseStateHandle<T>
T: 'static,
F: FnOnce() -> T,
/* implementation omitted */