pub fn use_callback<'hook, IN, OUT, F, D>(
deps: D,
f: F,
) -> impl 'hook + Hook<Output = Callback<IN, OUT>>
Expand description
Get a immutable reference to a memoized Callback
. Its state persists across renders.
It will be recreated only if any of the dependencies changes value.
Memoization means it will only get recreated when provided dependencies update/change. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on PartialEq to prevent unnecessary renders.
#[derive(Properties, PartialEq)]
pub struct Props {
pub callback: Callback<String, String>,
fn my_component(props: &Props) -> Html {
let greeting = props.callback.emit("Yew".to_string());
html! {
<>{ &greeting }</>
fn callback() -> Html {
let counter = use_state(|| 0);
let onclick = {
let counter = counter.clone();
Callback::from(move |_| counter.set(*counter + 1))
// This callback depends on (), so it's created only once, then MyComponent
// will be rendered only once even when you click the button multiple times.
let callback = use_callback((), move |name, _| format!("Hello, {}!", name));
// It can also be used for events, this callback depends on `counter`.
let oncallback = use_callback(counter.clone(), move |_e, counter| {
let _ = **counter;
html! {
<button {onclick}>{ "Increment value" }</button>
<button onclick={oncallback}>{ "Callback" }</button>
<b>{ "Current value: " }</b>
{ *counter }
<MyComponent {callback} />
When used in function components and hooks, this hook is equivalent to:
pub fn use_callback<IN, OUT, F, D>(deps: D, f: F) -> Callback<IN, OUT>
IN: 'static,
OUT: 'static,
F: Fn(IN, &D) -> OUT + 'static,
D: PartialEq + 'static,
/* implementation omitted */