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1//! Component properties module
3pub use yew_macro::Properties;
5/// Trait for building properties for a component
6pub trait Properties: PartialEq {
7    /// Builder that will be used to construct properties
8    type Builder;
10    /// Entrypoint for building properties
11    fn builder() -> Self::Builder;
15mod __macro {
16    /// A marker trait to ensure that the builder has received a specific required prop.
17    /// For each required impl in a property, we generate:
18    /// - a struct with the name of the prop, which takes the place of `P`.
19    /// - a token wrapper, `HasP<TokenTail>`, that records that the build state represented includes
20    ///   the state in `TokenTail` + `P`. Such tokens are returned from the setter on the builder,
21    ///   to verify the build state.
22    /// - An `impl<T> HasP<T>: HasProp<P, _>` saying that a state represented by a token of
23    ///   `HasP<_>` indeed verifies P has been set.
24    /// - An `impl<Q> HasP<Tail>: HasProp<Q, _> where Tail: HasProp<Q>` saying that any props set
25    ///   previously (represented by the tail) is still set after P has been set.
26    /// - ^ the two impls would be overlapping, where it not for the `How` argument, which resolves
27    ///   the conflict.
28    pub trait HasProp<P, How> {}
30    /// A marker trait to ensure that the builder has received all required props.
31    /// For each struct deriving [`Properties`], an impl is generated, requiring `HasProp<p>` for
32    /// all properties marked as required as a bound on the impl.
33    ///
34    /// [`Properties`]: super::Properties
35    pub trait HasAllProps<P, How> {}
37    /// Trait finishing the builder and verifying all props were set.
38    /// The structure can be a bit surprising, and is related to how the proc macro reports errors
39    /// - why have a prepare_build method? This captures the argument types, but now `How`, and
40    ///   returns an internal type with a method that can be called without further qualification.
41    ///   We need the additional types, to avoid collision with property names in the Builder. We
42    ///   want to avoid qualification to persuade rust not to report the `finish_build` method name.
43    /// - why have a AllPropsFor trait? We want the trait to be on the Token, not on a type
44    ///   associated or derived from it, so that it shows up in errors directly instead of through
45    ///   convoluted traces.
46    pub trait Buildable<Token> {
47        /// Property type being built
48        type Output;
49        /// Instead of `Token` directly, a wrapped token type is checked for trait impls in macro
50        /// code. This avoids problems related to blanket impls.
51        type WrappedToken;
52        /// This method "captures" the builder and token type, but does not verify yet.
53        fn prepare_build(builder: Self, _: &Token) -> PreBuild<Token, Self>
54        where
55            Self: Sized,
56        {
57            PreBuild {
58                builder,
59                _token: std::marker::PhantomData,
60            }
61        }
62        /// Build the props from self. Expected to panic if not all props where set.
63        fn build(this: Self) -> Self::Output;
64    }
65    /// Helper alias for a Builder, also capturing the prop Token recording the provided props.
66    #[derive(Debug)]
67    pub struct PreBuild<Token, B> {
68        _token: std::marker::PhantomData<Token>,
69        builder: B,
70    }
72    impl<Token, B: Buildable<Token>> PreBuild<Token, B> {
73        /// This is the method that introduces the actual bound verifying all props where set.
74        pub fn build<How>(self) -> B::Output
75        where
76            Token: AllPropsFor<B, How>,
77        {
78            B::build(self.builder)
79        }
80    }
82    /// Trait to specify the requirement for Self to be a valid token signaling all props have been
83    /// provided to the builder.
84    pub trait AllPropsFor<Builder, How> {}
86    impl<Token, Builder: Buildable<Token>, How> AllPropsFor<Builder, How> for Token where
87        Builder::WrappedToken: HasAllProps<Builder::Output, How>
88    {
89    }
91    /// Dummy struct targeted by assertions that all props were set
92    #[derive(Debug)]
93    pub struct AssertAllProps;
95    /// Builder for when a component has no properties
96    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
97    pub struct EmptyBuilder;
99    impl super::Properties for () {
100        type Builder = EmptyBuilder;
102        fn builder() -> Self::Builder {
103            EmptyBuilder
104        }
105    }
107    impl<T> Buildable<T> for EmptyBuilder {
108        type Output = ();
109        type WrappedToken = ();
111        /// Build empty properties
112        fn build(_: Self) {}
113    }
115    impl<T> HasAllProps<(), T> for T {}
119pub use __macro::{AllPropsFor, AssertAllProps, Buildable, HasAllProps, HasProp};